Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I utilize the Lot Upkeep team instead of an automated sweeper?
• We offer a more cost effective approach to year round litter cleanup. We can often offer daily clean up of litter from your entire grounds for an entire month - parking lot, sidewalks, and landscapes (including areas unaccessible to an automated sweeper) for the cost of one power sweeping.

2. Will Lot Upkeep service my lot daily?
• We will calibrate your service schedule to the needs of your lot and budget. In many cases, the best option for long term care of your lot and pocketbook is regular maintenance, five days a week.

3. What other services do you provide?
• In addition to regular litter removal and control, we offer basic landscaping services and in certain cases, snow removal and ice control. When these additional services are an option, we can often bundle the services for a quote that presents you with significant value and savings.

4. Is maintenance available for parking garages and other areas in addition to traditional lots?
• Yes! We will happily provide litter cleanup to all types of lots and commercial grounds.

5. How else do you provide value?
• We are a local family-owned and operated business committed to integrity, customer-service, and attention to detail. We take pride in providing you a clean lot that reflects your company at its best!

6. How can I learn more about what you offer, get a free quote, or start servicing for my property?
• Please contact us by phone at 717-659-1619 or by email at

We look forward to hearing from you!

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